Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tidal Bore of Qiantang River

Each month during the full moon, and the few days around the full moon, you can see a wave coming up the Qiantang River. This week we had a holiday called the "Mid-Autumn Festival." For some reason this month the wave becomes a big deal to China. Many people come from all over China to see this phenomenon. What happens is when the high tide comes into the Hangzhou Bay it meets with the Qiantang River, which is flowing into the Hangzhou Bay. When the wave meets the water flowing towards it it causes a tidal bore. The river feeds the wave up the river and it can go for many miles. After the wave passes by you the river changes directions just for a short time.
Here is a video showing you the event.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you all!


  1. Neat ! ! ! Thanks for sharing ! ! !

  2. That's pretty cool. It took me a minute to figure out why you said the river changed directions.

  3. That is interesting. How long does it take before the normal river flow overcomes the tidal flow?
